Check-in with your inbox once or twice a day to read the subject lines or new emails to pick up anything urgent.
Block out a time once per week and then once per day where you read through your todo list and schedule which tasks you will do that week and each day I like to plan my week on Sunday afternoon and then my day for 5 minutes each morning.
Block out a time each day when you process all your email in your inbox I like to do this at the end of the day.
If ‘completing’ an email will take less than 2 minutes, do it there and then.
Do not move onto a new email until the one you are reading is processed.
Only read an email once in your inbox, process it as soon as you have read it.
The exciting part is that you can drag an email into this panel and generate a calendar event or a todo item with the email attached for access to it later. The ‘My Day’ icon will open a panel down the right-hand side of the browser window. You can access both the Calendar and Todo apps in your Outlook online inbox by clicking on the ‘My Day’ icon in the top right-hand menu of the Outlook web app. The Calendar and To Do app in Outlook will do for the first two I use Instapaper to store things to read later and Roam Research for my reference app (OneNote is an office365 app and is a better option for you want it all integrated). There are four applications you need to manage your email, a calendar, a todo list, a read-later app, and a reference app. Your email inbox is someone else’s To Do list Tiago Forte The Outlook web app has several integrated tools that can speed up the processing of your emails and reduce the time you spend in your inbox. At a strategic level, it is a way of taking more control of your working day, reducing the urge to spend your day reacting to every new message, and freeing up your mind to focus on tasks that have long term value. Zero-inbox at a tactical level is a set of techniques for managing large amounts of email in a reduced amount of time.